Decomposes a matrix into sparse eigenevectors to maximize explained variance. Note: we do not scale the matrices internally. We leave scaling choices to the user.
inmatrix = NA,
inmask = NULL,
sparseness = 0.1,
nvecs = 10,
its = 5,
cthresh = 50,
statdir = NA,
z = 0,
smooth = 0,
initializationList = list(),
mycoption = 0,
robust = 0,
ell1 = 1,
getSmall = 0,
verbose = FALSE,
powerit = 0,
priorWeight = 0,
maxBased = FALSE
n by p input images , subjects or time points by row , spatial variable lies along columns
optional antsImage mask
lower values equal more sparse
number of vectors
number of iterations
cluster threshold
place on disk to save results
u penalty, experimental
smoothness eg 0.5
see initializeEigenanatomy
0, 1 or 2 all produce different output 0 is combination of 1 (spatial orthogonality) and 2 (subject space orthogonality)
rank transform input data - good for data checking
the ell1 grad descent param
try to get smallest evecs (bool)
activates verbose output
alternative power iteration implementation, faster
scalar weight typically in range zero to two
boolean that chooses max-based thresholding
outputs a decomposition of a population or time series matrix
mat <- replicate(100, rnorm(20))
mydecom <- sparseDecom(mat)
mat <- scale(mat)
mydecom2 <- sparseDecom(mat)
# params that lead to algorithm similar to NMF
mydecom3 <- sparseDecom(mat, z = 1, sparseness = 1)
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# for prediction
if (usePkg("randomForest") & usePkg("spls") & usePkg("BGLR")) {
data(lymphoma) # from spls
training <- sample(rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), 31))
sp <- 0.02
myz <- 0
ldd <- sparseDecom(lymphoma$x[training, ],
nvecs = 5, sparseness = (sp),
mycoption = 1, z = myz
) # NMF style
traindf <- data.frame(
lclass = as.factor(lymphoma$y[training]),
eig = lymphoma$x[training, ] %*% as.matrix(ldd$eigenanatomyimages)
testdf <- data.frame(
lclass = as.factor(lymphoma$y[!training]),
eig = lymphoma$x[!training, ] %*% as.matrix(ldd$eigenanatomyimages)
myrf <- randomForest(lclass ~ ., data = traindf)
predlymp <- predict(myrf, newdata = testdf)
"N-errors:", sum(abs(testdf$lclass != predlymp)),
" non-zero ", sum(abs(ldd$eigenanatomyimages) > 0)
# compare to
# now SNPs
snps <- quantifySNPs(mice.X, shiftit = TRUE)
numericalpheno <- as.matrix(mice.pheno[, c(4, 5, 13, 15)])
nfolds <- 6
train <- sample(rep(c(1:nfolds), 1800 / nfolds))
train <- (train < 4)
lrmat <- lowrankRowMatrix(as.matrix(snps[train, ]), 50)
lrmat <- scale(lrmat)
snpd <- sparseDecom(lrmat - min(lrmat), nvecs = 20, sparseness = (0.001), z = -1)
projmat <- as.matrix(snpd$eig)
snpse <- as.matrix(snps[train, ]) %*% projmat
traindf <- data.frame(bmi = numericalpheno[train, 3], snpse = snpse)
snpse <- as.matrix(snps[!train, ]) %*% projmat
testdf <- data.frame(bmi = numericalpheno[!train, 3], snpse = snpse)
myrf <- randomForest(bmi ~ ., data = traindf)
preddf <- predict(myrf, newdata = testdf)
cor.test(preddf, testdf$bmi)
plot(preddf, testdf$bmi)
} # check for packages
# prior-based example
ref <- antsImageRead(getANTsRData("r16"))
ref <- iMath(ref, "Normalize")
mi <- antsImageRead(getANTsRData("r27"))
mi2 <- antsImageRead(getANTsRData("r30"))
mi3 <- antsImageRead(getANTsRData("r62"))
mi4 <- antsImageRead(getANTsRData("r64"))
mi5 <- antsImageRead(getANTsRData("r85"))
refmask <- getMask(ref)
refmask <- iMath(refmask, "ME", 2) # just to speed things up
ilist <- list(mi, mi2, mi3, mi4, mi5)
for (i in 1:length(ilist))
ilist[[i]] <- iMath(ilist[[i]], "Normalize")
mytx <- antsRegistration(
fixed = ref, moving = ilist[[i]],
typeofTransform = c("Affine")
mywarpedimage <- antsApplyTransforms(
fixed = ref, moving = ilist[[i]],
transformlist = mytx$fwdtransforms
ilist[[i]] <- mywarpedimage
mat <- imageListToMatrix(ilist, refmask)
kmseg <- kmeansSegmentation(ref, 3, refmask)
initlist <- list()
for (k in 1:3) {
initlist[[k]] <-
thresholdImage(kmseg$probabilityimages[[k]], 0.1, Inf) *
eanat <- sparseDecom(mat,
inmask = refmask, ell1 = 0.1,
sparseness = 0.0, smooth = 0.5, verbose = 1,
initializationList = initlist, cthresh = 25,
nvecs = 3, priorWeight = 0.5
ee <- matrixToImages(eanat$eigenanatomyimages, refmask)
eseg <- eigSeg(refmask, ee)
priormat <- imageListToMatrix(initlist, refmask)
cor(t(eanat$eigenanatomyimages), t(priormat))
plot(ref, eseg)
} # }