Read images into rows of a matrix.
sigma = NA,
epsilon = 0,
asymmetryTx = NULL,
asymmetryMask = NULL
A character vector containing a list of image files to read, in order - these are image objects, not file names. these are assumed to be in a normalized space i.e. they are all in registration.
An antsImage
containing a binary mask, voxels in the mask
are placed in the matrix. If not provided, estimated from first image in list.
If the mask is a different size than the image, the images will be downsampled
and smoothed to the size of the mask.
smoothing operation in physical space. See smoothImage
threshold value determining what is included in the mask
a reflection transform
a mask defining left and right side of the image. this should be defined in the space of the images within the imageList.
A matrix containing the masked data, the result of calling
as.numeric(image, mask)
on each input image.
img <- ri(1) %>% resampleImage(c(32, 32))
imglist <- list()
nsubj <- 3
for (ii in 1:nsubj) {
imglist[[ii]] <- img
mask <- getMask(img)
imgmat <- imageListToMatrix(imglist, mask)
| | 0%
|======================= | 33%
|=============================================== | 67%
|======================================================================| 100%