Perform various (often mathematical) operations on the input image/s. Additional parameters should be specific for each operation. See the the full iMath in ANTs, on which this function is based.
iMath(img, operation, param = NULL, ...)
input object, usually antsImage
a character string e.g. "GetLargestComponent" ... the special case of "GetOperations" or "GetOperationsFull" will return a list of operations and brief description. Some operations may not be valid (WIP), but most are.
... additional parameters
further parameter options
fi <- antsImageRead(getANTsRData("r16"), 2)
mask <- getMask(fi)
op1 <- iMath(fi, "GD", 1) # gray matter dilation by 1 voxel
op2 <- iMath(mask, "D") # distance transform
op3 <- iMath(0, "GetOperations") # list all ops
if (usePkg("magrittr")) { # string ops together
lapgd <- fi %>%
iMath("Laplacian", 1) %>%
iMath("GD", 3)
# Canny is useful e.g.
# canny = ( iMath(myreg$warpedmovout,"Normalize")*255 ) %>% iMath("Canny",1,5,12)
tf <- getANTsRData("r27")
tem <- antsImageRead(tf)
mask <- tem > 20
fh <- iMath(mask, "FillHoles") # list all ops
stopifnot(range(fh) == c(0, 1))
filled <- fh > 0