The popular neural style transfer described here:
neuralStyleTransfer( contentImage, styleImages, initialCombinationImage = NULL, numberOfIterations = 10, learningRate = 1, totalVariationWeight = 0.000085, contentWeight = 0.025, styleImageWeights = 1, contentLayerNames = c("block5_conv2"), styleLayerNames = "all", contentMask = NULL, styleMasks = NULL, useShiftedActivations = TRUE, useChainedInference = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, outputPrefix = NULL )
contentImage | ANTs image (1 or 3-component). Content (or base) image. |
styleImages | ANTsImage or list of ANTsImages as the style (or reference) image. |
initialCombinationImage | ANTsImage (1 or 3-component). Starting point for the optimization. Allows one to start from the output from a previous run. Otherwise, start from the content image. Note that the original paper starts with a noise image. |
numberOfIterations | Number of gradient steps taken during optimization. |
learningRate | Parameter for Adam optimization. |
totalVariationWeight | A penalty on the regularization term to keep the features of the output image locally coherent. |
contentWeight | Weight of the content layers in the optimization function. |
styleImageWeights | float or vector of floats. Weights of the style term in the optimization function for each style image. Can either specify a single scalar to be used for all the images or one for each image. The style term computes the sum of the L2 norm between the Gram matrices of the different layers (using ImageNet-trained VGG) of the style and content images. |
contentLayerNames | vector of strings. Names of VGG layers from which to compute the content loss. |
styleLayerNames | vector of strings. Names of VGG layers from which to compute the style loss. If "all", the layers used are c('block1_conv1', 'block1_conv2', 'block2_conv1', 'block2_conv2', 'block3_conv1', 'block3_conv2', 'block3_conv3', 'block3_conv4', 'block4_conv1', 'block4_conv2', 'block4_conv3', 'block4_conv4', 'block5_conv1', 'block5_conv2', 'block5_conv3', 'block5_conv4'). This is a proposed improvement from In the original implementation, the layers used are: c('block1_conv1', 'block2_conv1', block3_conv1', 'block4_conv1', 'block5_conv1'). |
contentMask | an ANTsImage mask to specify the region for content consideration. |
styleMasks | ANTsImage masks to specify the region for style consideration. |
useShiftedActivations | boolean to determine whether or not to use shifted activations in calculating the Gram matrix (improvement mentioned in |
useChainedInference | boolean corresponding to another proposed improvement from |
verbose | boolean to print progress to the screen. |
outputPrefix | If specified, outputs a png image to disk at each iteration. |
ANTs 3-component image. and
and taken from François Chollet's implementation
and titu1994's modifications:
in order to possibly modify and experiment with medical images.
Tustison, NJ