Creates a keras model of the SSD 7 deep learning architecture for object detection based on the paper
createSsd7Model2D( inputImageSize, numberOfClassificationLabels, minScale = 0.08, maxScale = 0.96, aspectRatiosPerLayer = list(c("1:1", "2:1", "1:2"), c("1:1", "2:1", "1:2"), c("1:1", "2:1", "1:2"), c("1:1", "2:1", "1:2")), variances = rep(1, 4) )
inputImageSize | Used for specifying the input tensor shape. The shape (or dimension) of that tensor is the image dimensions followed by the number of channels (e.g., red, green, and blue). The batch size (i.e., number of training images) is not specified a priori. |
numberOfClassificationLabels | Number of classification labels. Needs to include the background as one of the labels. |
minScale | The smallest scaling factor for the size of the anchor boxes as a fraction of the shorter side of the input images. |
maxScale | The largest scaling factor for the size of the anchor boxes as a fraction of the shorter side of the input images. All scaling factors between the smallest and the largest are linearly interpolated. |
aspectRatiosPerLayer | A list containing one aspect ratio list for
each predictor layer. #' each predictor layer. The default lists follows
the original implementation except each aspect ratio is defined as a
character string (e.g., |
variances | A list of 4 floats > 0 with scaling factors for the encoded
predicted box coordinates. A variance value of 1.0 would apply no scaling at
all to the predictions, while values in (0, 1) upscale the encoded predictions
and values greater than 1.0 downscale the encoded predictions. Defaults to
an SSD keras model
W. Liu, D. Anguelov, D. Erhan, C. Szegedy, S. Reed, C-Y. Fu, A. Berg. SSD: Single Shot MultiBox Detector.
available here:
This particular implementation was influenced by the following python and R implementations:
\url{https://github.com/pierluigiferrari/ssd_keras} \url{https://github.com/gsimchoni/ssdkeras}
Tustison NJ
#> Error in py_discover_config(required_module, use_environment): Python specified in RETICULATE_PYTHON (/Users/ntustison/anaconda3/envs/antsx/bin/python3) does not exist#> Error in py_discover_config(required_module, use_environment): Python specified in RETICULATE_PYTHON (/Users/ntustison/anaconda3/envs/antsx/bin/python3) does not exist#> Error in py_discover_config(required_module, use_environment): Python specified in RETICULATE_PYTHON (/Users/ntustison/anaconda3/envs/antsx/bin/python3) does not exist