Estimate BrainAge from a T1-weighted MR image using the DeepBrainNet architecture and weights described here:
brainAge( image, doPreprocessing = TRUE, numberOfSimulations = 0, sdAffine = 0.01, antsxnetCacheDirectory = NULL, verbose = TRUE )
image | input 3-D T1-weighted brain image. |
doPreprocessing | boolean dictating whether prescribed preprocessing is performed (brain extraction, bias correction, normalization to template). |
numberOfSimulations | number of random affine perturbations to transform the input. |
sdAffine | define the standard deviation of the affine transformation parameter for the simulations. |
antsxnetCacheDirectory | destination directory for storing the downloaded
template and model weights. Since these can be resused, if
verbose | print progress. |
predicted age and binned confidence values
and described in the following article:
Preprocessing on the training data consisted of:
n4 bias correction,
brain extraction, and
affine registration to MNI.
The input T1 should undergo the same steps. If the input T1 is the raw
T1, these steps can be performed by the internal preprocessing, i.e. set
doPreprocessing = TRUE
Tustison NJ
if (FALSE) { library( ANTsRNet ) library( keras ) image <- antsImageRead( "t1w_image.nii.gz" ) estimatedBrainAge <- brainAge( image ) }