The function will generate a deformable transformation (via exponential map) from a basis of deformations.
basisWarp( deformationBasis, betaParameters, numberOfCompositions = 2, spatialSmoothing = 0 )
deformationBasis | list containing deformationBasis set |
betaParameters | vector containing deformationBasis set parameters |
numberOfCompositions | integer greater than or equal to one |
spatialSmoothing | spatial smoothing for generated deformation |
list of fields
Avants BB
if (FALSE) { library( ANTsR ) i1 = ri( 1 ) %>% resampleImage( 4 ) i2 = ri( 2 ) %>% resampleImage( 4 ) reg = antsRegistration( i1, i2, 'SyN' ) w = composeTransformsToField( i1, reg$fwd ) bw = basisWarp( list( w, w ), c( 0.25, 0.25 ), 2, 0 ) bwApp = applyAntsrTransformToImage( bw, i2, i1 ) bw = basisWarp( list( w, w ), c( 0.25, 0.25 )*(-1.0), 2, 0 ) # inverse bwApp = applyAntsrTransformToImage( bw, i1, i2 ) }