Decomposes a matrix into sparse eigenevectors to maximize explained variance.
inmask = NULL,
sparseness = 0.01,
nvecs = 50,
its = 5,
cthresh = 250,
z = 0,
smooth = 0,
initializationList = list(),
mycoption = 0,
nboot = 10,
nsamp = 0.9,
robust = 0,
doseg = TRUE
n by p input images , subjects or time points by row , spatial variable lies along columns
optional antsImage mask
lower values equal more sparse
number of vectors
number of iterations
cluster threshold
u penalty, experimental
smoothness eg 0.5
see initializeEigenanatomy
0, 1 or 2 all produce different output 0 is combination of 1 (spatial orthogonality) and 2 (subject space orthogonality)
boostrap integer e.g. 10 equals 10 boostraps
value less than or equal to 1, e.g. 0.9 means 90 percent of data will be used in each boostrap resampling
orthogonalize bootstrap results
mat <- replicate(100, rnorm(20))
mydecom <- sparseDecomboot(mat, nboot = 5, nsamp = 0.9, nvecs = 2)
#> [1] "boot 1 sample 18"
#> [1] "boot 2 sample 18"
#> [1] "boot 3 sample 18"
#> [1] "boot 4 sample 18"
#> [1] "boot 5 sample 18"
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# for prediction
if (usePkg("randomForest") & usePkg("spls")) {
training <- sample(rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), 31))
sp <- 0.001
myz <- 0
nv <- 5
ldd <- sparseDecomboot(lymphoma$x[training, ],
nvecs = nv,
sparseness = (sp), mycoption = 1, z = myz, nsamp = 0.9, nboot = 50
) # NMF style
outmat <- as.matrix(ldd$eigenanatomyimages)
# outmat<-t(ldd$cca1outAuto)
traindf <- data.frame(
lclass = as.factor(lymphoma$y[training]),
eig = lymphoma$x[training, ] %*% t(outmat)
testdf <- data.frame(
lclass = as.factor(lymphoma$y[!training]),
eig = lymphoma$x[!training, ] %*% t(outmat)
myrf <- randomForest(lclass ~ ., data = traindf)
predlymp <- predict(myrf, newdata = testdf)
"N-errors:", sum(abs(testdf$lclass != predlymp)),
"non-zero ", sum(abs(outmat) > 0)
for (i in 1:nv) {
print(paste(" non-zero ", i, " is: ", sum(abs(outmat[i, ]) > 0)))
# end dontrun
} # }