Calculates p-values of a statistical field using random field theory

rftPval(D, c, k, u, n, resels, df, fieldType)



image dimensions




spatial extent in resels (minimum cluster size in resels)


Number of clusters


number of statistical field in conjunction


resel measurements of the search region


degrees of freedom expressed as df = c(degrees of interest, degrees of error)

  • T: T-field

  • F: F-field

  • X: Chi-square field'

  • Z: Gaussian field


The probability of obtaining the specified cluster

  • Pcor: corrected p-value Pu: uncorrected p-value Ec: expected number of clusters ek: expected number of resels per cluster


This function calculates p-values of a thresholded statistical field at various levels:

set-level rft.pval(D, c, k, u, n, resels, df, fieldType)

cluster-level rft.pval(D, 1, k, u, n, resels, df, fieldType)

peak-level rft.pval(D, 1, 0, u, n, resels, df, fieldType)

Where set-level refers to obtaining the set of clusters, cluster-level refers to a specific cluster, and peak-level refers to the maximum (or peak) of a single cluster.


Friston K.J., (1994) Assessing the Significance of Focal Activations Using Their Spatial Extent.

Friston K.J., (1996) Detecting Activations in PET and fMRI: Levels of Inference and Power.

Worlsey K.J., (1996) A Unified Statistical Approach for Determining Significant Signals in Images of Cerebral Activation.

See also

rftResults, resels


if (FALSE) { # using rftPval for hypothetical 3D t-statistical image # assume resels have been calculated and df = c(dfi, dfe) # peak RFT p-value (peak = the maximum of a specific cluster) peakP <- rftPval(3, 1, 0, peak, 1, resels, df, fieldType = "T")$Pcor # cluster RFT p-value (u = the value the statistical field was threshold at # and k = the size of the cluster in resels) clusterP <- rftPval(3, 1, k, u, 1, resels, df, fieldType = "T")$Pcor # set RFT p-value setP <- rftPval(3, numberOfClusters, minimumClusterSize, u, 1, resels, df, fieldType = "T")$Pcor }