Estimate CBF using standard regression and optionally robust regression.
nuis = NA,
dorobust = 0,
skip = 20,
selectionValsForRegweights = NULL,
useBayesian = 0
Mask image selects the voxels where CBF will be estimated. Voxels corresponding to logical FALSE are not computed.
Matrix with a column for every time-series voxel. Number of rows equals the number of time units in the series.
1D time-series signal to be used a ideal or model for regression.
Nuisance parameters obtained from '.get_perfusion_predictors'.
Real value in interval from 0 to 1. If greater than 0, then robust regression will be performed. A typical value would be 0.95 i.e. use voxels with 95 percent confidence.
skip / stride over this number of voxels to increase speed
scalar function to guide parameter est.
if greater than zero, use a bayesian prior w/this weight
Success – An object of type 'antsImage' containing the CBF estimate
for voxels corresponding to the mask input
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# cbf <- perfusionregression( mask_img, mat, xideal , nuis )
} # }