Diffeomorphic registration-based cortical thickness based on probabilistic segmentation of an image. This is an optimization algorithm.
its = 45,
r = 0.025,
m = 1.5,
x = FALSE,
e = FALSE,
q = NULL,
timeSigma = 1,
verbose = FALSE,
segmentation image
gray matter probability image
white matter probability image
convergence params - controls iterations
gradient descent update parameter
gradient field smoothing parameter
matrix-based smoothing
restrict deformation boolean
time spacing, a vector equal to the number of time dimensions
a scalar sigma value for distances between time points
anything else, see KK help in ANTs
thickness antsImage
img <- antsImageRead(getANTsRData("r16"), 2)
img <- resampleImage(img, c(64, 64), 1, 0)
mask <- getMask(img)
segs <- kmeansSegmentation(img, k = 3, kmask = mask)
thk <- kellyKapowski(
s = segs$segmentation, g = segs$probabilityimages[[2]],
w = segs$probabilityimages[[3]], its = 45, r = 0.5, m = 1