Four initialization approaches for simlr. Returns either a single matrix
derived from dimensionality reduction on all matrices bound together
) or a list of reduced
dimensionality matrices, one for each input. Primarily, a helper function
for SiMLR.
jointReduction = FALSE,
zeroUpper = FALSE,
uAlgorithm = "svd",
addNoise = 0
list that contains the named matrices.
rank of U matrix
boolean determining whether one or length of list bases are returned.
boolean determining whether upper triangular part of initialization is zeroed out
either "svd"
, "random"
, "randomProjection"
, eigenvalue
, "pca"
(default), "ica"
or "cca"
scalar value that adds zero mean unit variance noise, multiplied
by the value of addNoise
A single matrix or list of matrices