A deformation field can capture any domain to domain correspondence that we can represent in ANTsR. This function will map a list of transforms into a single deformation field object.
composeTransformsToField(image, transforms)
field deformation object is output
fi <- antsImageRead(getANTsRData("r16"))
mi <- antsImageRead(getANTsRData("r64"))
fi <- resampleImage(fi, c(60, 60), 1, 0)
mi <- resampleImage(mi, c(60, 60), 1, 0) # speed up
mytx <- antsRegistration(fixed = fi, moving = mi, typeofTransform = c("SyN"))
compfield <- composeTransformsToField(fi, mytx$fwd)
atx <- antsrTransformFromDisplacementField(compfield)
wrped <- applyAntsrTransformToImage(atx, mi, fi)