This function processes multimodal data using SiMLR. It is designed to be flexible, allowing for various preprocessing steps and analysis options. The analysis can be adjusted through multiple parameters, offering control over the inclusion of certain data types, permutation testing, and more.
energy = c("cca", "reg", "lrr", "regression"),
covariates = "1",
myseed = 3,
doAsym = TRUE,
returnidps = FALSE,
restrictDFN = FALSE,
resnetGradeThresh = 1.02,
doperm = FALSE,
exclusions = NULL,
inclusions = NULL,
sparseness = NULL,
iterations = NULL,
path_modeling = NULL,
sparsenessAlg = NA,
verbose = FALSE
A dataframe containing multimodal data for analysis.
boolean vector to define which entries are in training data
Vector of column names to be treated as a special target matrix; often used for cognitive data and in a superivsed variant of simlr. Exclude this argument if this is unclear.
The type of energy model to use for similarity analysis. Defaults to 'reg'.
Number of components.
orthogonality constraint of the form constraintxFloatWeightEnergyxFloatWeightGrad where constraints is ortho, Stiefel or Grassmann or GrassmannInv
any covariates to adjust training matrices. if covariates is set to 'mean' then the rowwise mean will be factored out of each matrix. this can be a vector e.g. c('center','scale','rank')
. pass the name opt to antspymm_simlr_update_residuals to have the function print the options.
Seed for random number generation to ensure reproducibility. Defaults to 3.
integer 0 for FALSE, 1 for TRUE and 2 for separate matrices for asymm variables.
Logical indicating whether to return the intermediate processing steps' results. Defaults to FALSE.
Logical indicating whether to restrict analysis to default network features. Defaults to FALSE.
image quality threshold (higher better).
Logical indicating whether to perform permutation tests. Defaults to FALSE. Will randomize image features in the training data and thus leads to "randomized" but still regularized projections.
vector of strings to exclude from predictors
vector of strings to include in predictors
vector or scalar value to set sparseness
int value to set max iterations
the result of a call to simlr_path_models(n)
NA is default otherwise basic, spmp or orthorank
A list containing the results of the similarity analysis and related data.
# Example usage:
# result <- antspymm_simlr(dataframe)