Amplitude of Low Frequency Fluctuations (ALFF; Zang et al., 2007) and fractional Amplitude of Low Frequency Fluctuations (f/ALFF; Zou et al., 2008) are related measures that quantify the amplitude of low frequency oscillations (LFOs). This function outputs ALFF and fALFF for the input.
flo = 0.01,
fhi = 0.1,
tr = 1,
detrend = TRUE,
takesqrt = FALSE,
input vector for the time series of interest
low frequency, typically 0.01
high frequency, typically 0.1
the period associated with the vector x (inverse of frequency)
detrend the input time series
take the sqrt of the computed values
smoothing kernel in estimate, see spec.pgram
vector is output showing ALFF and fALFF values