Lesion segmentation


We build on the BRATS 2013 challenge to segment areas of the brain that have been damaged by stroke. We also refer to a more recent publication that implements a more complex version of what we do here.


We define a function that will help us simulate large, lateralized lesions on the fly.

## Loading required package: ANTsRCore
## Attaching package: 'ANTsRCore'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     sd, var
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     all, any, apply, max, min, prod, range, sum
simLesion<-function(  img, s , w, thresh=0.01, mask=NA, myseed )
  if ( is.na(mask) ) mask<-getMask(img)
  i<-makeImage( dim(img) , rnorm( length(as.array(img))  ) )
  i[ mask==0 ]<-0
  i[ mask != 1  ] <- 0
  i[ 1:(dim(img)[1]/2), 1:(dim(img)[2]-1) ]<-0
  limg<-( antsImageClone(img) * (-i)  %>% iMath("Normalize") )
  return( list(limg=limg, lesion=i ) )

Generate test data

Now let’s apply this function to generate a test dataset.

ti<-antsImageRead( getANTsRData("r27") )
seg2<-kmeansSegmentation( ti, 3 )$segmentation
ll2<-simLesion( ti, 10, 6, myseed=919 ) # different sized lesion
seg2[ ll2$lesion > 0.5 & seg2 > 0.5 ]<-4

Generate test data

Now let’s apply this function to generate a test dataset.

Make training data

Create training data and map to the test subject. Note that a “real” application of this type would use cost function masking.
But let’s ignore that aspect of the problem here.

Make training data

img<-antsImageRead( getANTsRData("r16") )
seg<-kmeansSegmentation( img, 3 )$segmentation
ll<-simLesion( img, 12, 5, myseed=1 )
seg[ ll$lesion > 0.5 & seg > 0.5 ]<-4

Make training data

Pseudo-ground truth

This gives us a subject with a “ground truth” segmentation.

Now we get a new subject and map to the space of the arbitrarily chosen reference space.

Pseudo-ground truth

img<-antsImageRead( getANTsRData("r30") , 2  )
seg1<-kmeansSegmentation( img, 3 )$segmentation
ll1<-simLesion( img, 9, 5,  myseed=2 ) # different sized lesion
seg1[ ll1$lesion > 0.5 & seg1 > 0.5 ]<-4

Pseudo-ground truth

The study

Perform training step

Now use these to train a model.

rad<-c(1,1) # fast setting
mr<-c(1,2,4,2,1) # multi-res schedule, U-style schedule
masks=list(   getMask(seg), getMask(seg1) )
rfm<-mrvnrfs( list(seg,seg1) , list(list(ll$limg), list(ll1$limg) ),
  masks, rad=rad, nsamples = 500, ntrees=1000, multiResSchedule=mr,
  voxchunk=500, do.trace = 100)
## randomForest 4.6-14
## Type rfNews() to see new features/changes/bug fixes.
## ntree      OOB      1      2      3      4
##   100:   8.60% 20.00%  7.49%  9.79%  3.59%
##   200:   8.50% 20.00%  7.49%  9.79%  3.19%
##   300:   9.20% 24.76%  7.82% 10.09%  3.19%
##   400:   9.10% 22.86%  7.82% 10.09%  3.59%
##   500:   9.10% 22.86%  7.82% 10.09%  3.59%
##   600:   9.20% 23.81%  7.82% 10.39%  3.19%
##   700:   9.10% 21.90%  8.14% 10.39%  3.19%
##   800:   9.10% 20.95%  8.47% 10.39%  3.19%
##   900:   9.00% 20.95%  8.14% 10.09%  3.59%
##  1000:   9.00% 20.95%  7.82% 10.39%  3.59%
## ntree      OOB      1      2      3      4
##   100:  11.90% 18.56% 10.27% 16.22%  5.15%
##   200:  12.40% 18.56% 10.88% 16.52%  6.01%
##   300:  11.90% 17.53%  9.67% 16.52%  6.01%
##   400:  11.60% 16.49%  9.37% 16.52%  5.58%
##   500:  11.50% 16.49%  9.67% 15.93%  5.58%
##   600:  11.60% 16.49%  9.97% 15.63%  6.01%
##   700:  11.60% 17.53%  9.67% 15.63%  6.01%
##   800:  11.80% 18.56% 10.27% 15.34%  6.01%
##   900:  11.80% 16.49% 10.57% 15.63%  6.01%
##  1000:  11.90% 16.49%  9.97% 16.22%  6.44%
## ntree      OOB      1      2      3      4
##   100:   6.90%  7.34%  8.25%  9.25%  1.66%
##   200:   6.40%  8.26%  7.30%  8.96%  0.83%
##   300:   6.70%  8.26%  7.62%  9.55%  0.83%
##   400:   6.60%  8.26%  7.30%  9.55%  0.83%
##   500:   6.70%  8.26%  7.62%  9.55%  0.83%
##   600:   6.80%  8.26%  7.30% 10.15%  0.83%
##   700:   6.80%  8.26%  7.30% 10.15%  0.83%
##   800:   6.80%  8.26%  7.30% 10.15%  0.83%
##   900:   6.80%  8.26%  7.30% 10.15%  0.83%
##  1000:   6.80%  8.26%  7.30% 10.15%  0.83%
## ntree      OOB      1      2      3      4
##   100:   7.40% 12.38%  9.12%  8.93%  0.83%
##   200:   6.90% 10.48%  8.81%  8.04%  1.24%
##   300:   7.30% 12.38%  9.12%  8.33%  1.24%
##   400:   7.20% 13.33%  9.43%  7.44%  1.24%
##   500:   7.10% 13.33%  9.12%  7.44%  1.24%
##   600:   7.30% 13.33%  9.75%  7.44%  1.24%
##   700:   7.10% 13.33%  9.43%  7.14%  1.24%
##   800:   7.10% 13.33%  9.12%  7.44%  1.24%
##   900:   7.10% 13.33%  9.12%  7.44%  1.24%
##  1000:   7.20% 13.33%  9.12%  7.74%  1.24%
## ntree      OOB      1      2      3      4
##   100:   6.80% 10.38%  8.62%  8.72%  0.40%
##   200:   7.00%  9.43%  8.92%  9.35%  0.40%
##   300:   6.90%  9.43%  8.92%  9.03%  0.40%
##   400:   6.80%  8.49%  9.54%  8.41%  0.40%
##   500:   7.10%  8.49%  9.85%  9.03%  0.40%
##   600:   6.90%  8.49%  9.54%  8.72%  0.40%
##   700:   6.90%  9.43%  9.23%  8.72%  0.40%
##   800:   7.00%  9.43%  9.54%  8.72%  0.40%
##   900:   7.00%  9.43%  9.54%  8.72%  0.40%
##  1000:   7.00%  9.43%  9.54%  8.72%  0.40%

Combine with additional training runs

temp<-mrvnrfs( list(seg,seg1) , list(list(ll$limg), list(ll1$limg) ),
    masks, rad=rad, nsamples = 500, ntrees=1000, multiResSchedule=mr,
    voxchunk=500 )
for ( k in 1:length( mr ) )
  if ( length( rfm$rflist[[k]]$classes  ) ==
       length( temp$rflist[[k]]$classes )   )
    newrflist[[k]]<-combine( rfm$rflist[[k]], temp$rflist[[k]] )

Apply the model to new data

We apply the learned model to segment the new data.

mmseg<-mrvnrfs.predict( rfm$rflist, list(list(ll2$limg)),
  timask, rad=rad, multiResSchedule=mr, voxchunk=500  )

Apply the model to new data


Show ground truth

Here is the ground truth.

Lesion probability

Take a quick look at the lesion probability.

Dice overlap

Now we compute the overlap.

dicenumer<-sum(  mmseg$seg[[1]] == max(mmseg$seg[[1]]) & seg2 == max(seg2) )
dicedenom<-sum( mmseg$seg[[1]] == max(mmseg$seg[[1]]) ) + sum( seg2 == max(seg2)  )
dice <- 2.0 * dicenumer / dicedenom
if ( dice < 0.87 ) stop("suggests performance regression in mrvnrfs")


The Dice overlap is 0.9099099. We might consider model selection as well where we do a quick estimate of lesion size based on the volume of left hemisphere csf. Then build the model from subjects that “match” with respect to the coarse amount of lesion.