Source code for antspynet.utilities.spatial_transformer_network_utilities
import tensorflow.keras.backend as K
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Layer, InputSpec
from tensorflow.keras import initializers
import tensorflow as tf
[docs]class SpatialTransformer2D(Layer):
Custom layer for the spatial transfomer network.
inputs : list of size 2
The first element are the images and the second element are the
resampled_size : tuple of length 2
Size of the resampled output images.
transform_type : string
Transform type (default = 'affine').
interpolator_type : string
Interpolator type (default = 'linear').
Keras layer
A 2-D keras layer
def __init__(self, resampled_size, transform_type='affine', interpolator_type='linear', **kwargs):
if K.backend() != 'tensorflow':
raise ValueError("Tensorflow is required for this STN implementation.")
if len(resampled_size) != 2:
raise ValueError("Resampled size must be a vector of length 2 (for 2-D).")
self.resampled_size = resampled_size
self.transform_type = transform_type
self.interpolator_type = interpolator_type
super(SpatialTransformer2D, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def build(self, input_shape):
super(SpatialTransformer2D, self).build(input_shape)
def call(self, inputs, mask=None):
images = inputs[0]
transform_parameters = inputs[1]
output = None
if self.transform_type == 'affine':
output = self.affine_transform_images(images, transform_parameters, self.resampled_size)
raise ValueError("Unsupported transform type.")
input_shape = [K.shape(images)]
return(tf.reshape(output, self.compute_output_shape(input_shape)))
def compute_output_shape(self, input_shape):
output_shape = (input_shape[0][0], self.resampled_size[0], self.resampled_size[1], input_shape[0][-1])
def affine_transform_images(self, images, affine_transform_parameters, resampled_size):
batch_size = K.int_shape(images)[0]
number_of_channels = K.int_shape(images)[-1]
if batch_size is None:
transform_parameters = K.reshape(affine_transform_parameters, shape=(-1, 2, 3))
transform_parameters = K.reshape(affine_transform_parameters, shape=(batch_size, 2, 3))
regular_grid = self.make_regular_grid(resampled_size)
sampled_grids =, regular_grid)
if self.interpolator_type == 'linear':
interpolated_image = self.linear_interpolate(images, sampled_grids, resampled_size)
raise ValueError("Unsupported interpolator type.")
if batch_size is None:
new_output_shape = (-1, resampled_size[0], resampled_size[1], number_of_channels)
new_output_shape = (batch_size, resampled_size[0], resampled_size[1], number_of_channels)
interpolated_image = K.reshape(interpolated_image, shape = new_output_shape)
def make_regular_grid(self, resampled_size):
x_linear_space = tf.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, resampled_size[1])
y_linear_space = tf.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, resampled_size[0])
x_coords, y_coords = tf.meshgrid(x_linear_space, y_linear_space)
x_coords = K.flatten(x_coords)
y_coords = K.flatten(y_coords)
ones = K.ones_like(x_coords)
regular_grid = K.concatenate([x_coords, y_coords, ones], axis = 0)
regular_grid = K.flatten(regular_grid)
regular_grid = K.reshape(regular_grid,
(3, resampled_size[0] * resampled_size[1]))
def linear_interpolate(self, images, sampled_grids, resampled_size):
batch_size = K.shape(images)[0]
height = K.shape(images)[1]
width = K.shape(images)[2]
number_of_channels = K.shape(images)[3]
x = K.cast(K.flatten(sampled_grids[:, 0:1, :]), dtype='float32')
y = K.cast(K.flatten(sampled_grids[:, 1:2, :]), dtype='float32')
x = 0.5 * (x + 1.0) * K.cast(width, dtype='float32')
y = 0.5 * (y + 1.0) * K.cast(height, dtype='float32')
x0 = K.cast(x, dtype='int32')
x1 = x0 + 1
y0 = K.cast(y, dtype='int32')
y1 = y0 + 1
xMax = int(K.int_shape(images)[2] - 1)
yMax = int(K.int_shape(images)[1] - 1)
x0 = K.clip(x0, 0, xMax)
x1 = K.clip(x1, 0, xMax)
y0 = K.clip(y0, 0, yMax)
y1 = K.clip(y1, 0, yMax)
batch_pixels = K.arange(0, batch_size) * (height * width)
batch_pixels = K.expand_dims(batch_pixels, axis = -1)
base = K.repeat_elements(batch_pixels,
rep=int(resampled_size[0] * resampled_size[1]), axis=1)
base = K.flatten(base)
indices00 = base + y0 * width + x0
indices01 = base + y1 * width + x0
indices10 = base + y0 * width + x1
indices11 = base + y1 * width + x1
flat_images = K.reshape(images, shape=(-1, number_of_channels))
flat_images = K.cast(flat_images, dtype='float32')
pixelValues00 = K.gather(flat_images, indices00)
pixelValues01 = K.gather(flat_images, indices01)
pixelValues10 = K.gather(flat_images, indices10)
pixelValues11 = K.gather(flat_images, indices11)
x0 = K.cast(x0, dtype='float32')
x1 = K.cast(x1, dtype='float32')
y0 = K.cast(y0, dtype='float32')
y1 = K.cast(y1, dtype='float32')
weight00 = K.expand_dims(((x1 - x) * (y1 - y)), axis=1)
weight01 = K.expand_dims(((x1 - x) * (y - y0)), axis=1)
weight10 = K.expand_dims(((x - x0) * (y1 - y)), axis=1)
weight11 = K.expand_dims(((x - x0) * (y - y0)), axis=1)
interpolatedValues00 = weight00 * pixelValues00
interpolatedValues01 = weight01 * pixelValues01
interpolatedValues10 = weight10 * pixelValues10
interpolatedValues11 = weight11 * pixelValues11
interpolatedValues = (interpolatedValues00 + interpolatedValues01 +
interpolatedValues10 + interpolatedValues11)
[docs]class SpatialTransformer3D(Layer):
Custom layer for the spatial transfomer network.
inputs : list of size 2
The first element are the images and the second element are the
resampled_size : tuple of length 3
Size of the resampled output images.
transform_type : string
Transform type (default = 'affine').
interpolator_type : string
Interpolator type (default = 'linear').
Keras layer
A 3-D keras layer
def __init__(self, resampled_size, transform_type='affine', interpolator_type='linear', **kwargs):
if K.backend() != 'tensorflow':
raise ValueError("Tensorflow is required for this STN implementation.")
if len(resampled_size) != 3:
raise ValueError("Resampled size must be a vector of length 3 (for 3-D).")
self.resampled_size = resampled_size
self.transform_type = transform_type
self.interpolator_type = interpolator_type
super(SpatialTransformer3D, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def build(self, input_shape):
super(SpatialTransformer3D, self).build(input_shape)
def call(self, inputs, mask=None):
images = inputs[0]
transform_parameters = inputs[1]
output = None
if self.transform_type == 'affine':
output = self.affine_transform_images(images, transform_parameters, self.resampled_size)
raise ValueError("Unsupported transform type.")
input_shape = [K.shape(images)]
return(tf.reshape(output, self.compute_output_shape(input_shape)))
def compute_output_shape(self, input_shape):
output_shape = (input_shape[0][0], self.resampled_size[0],
self.resampled_size[1], self.resampled_size[2],
def affine_transform_images(self, images, affine_transform_parameters, resampled_size):
batch_size = K.int_shape(images)[0]
number_of_channels = K.int_shape(images)[-1]
if batch_size is None:
transform_parameters = K.reshape(affine_transform_parameters, shape=(-1, 3, 4))
transform_parameters = K.reshape(affine_transform_parameters, shape=(batch_size, 3, 4))
regular_grid = self.make_regular_grid(resampled_size)
sampled_grids =, regular_grid)
if self.interpolator_type == 'linear':
interpolated_image = self.linear_interpolate(images, sampled_grids, resampled_size)
raise ValueError("Unsupported interpolator type.")
if batch_size is None:
new_output_shape = (-1, resampled_size[0], resampled_size[1], resampled_size[2], number_of_channels)
new_output_shape = (batch_size, resampled_size[0], resampled_size[1], resampled_size[2], number_of_channels)
interpolated_image = K.reshape(interpolated_image, shape = new_output_shape)
def make_regular_grid(self, resampled_size):
x_linear_space = tf.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, resampled_size[1])
y_linear_space = tf.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, resampled_size[0])
z_linear_space = tf.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, resampled_size[2])
x_coords, y_coords, z_coords = tf.meshgrid(x_linear_space, y_linear_space, z_linear_space)
x_coords = K.flatten(x_coords)
y_coords = K.flatten(y_coords)
z_coords = K.flatten(z_coords)
ones = K.ones_like(x_coords)
regular_grid = K.concatenate([x_coords, y_coords, z_coords, ones], axis = 0)
regular_grid = K.flatten(regular_grid)
regular_grid = K.reshape(regular_grid,
(4, resampled_size[0] * resampled_size[1] * resampled_size[2]))
def linear_interpolate(self, images, sampled_grids, resampled_size):
batch_size = K.shape(images)[0]
height = K.shape(images)[1]
width = K.shape(images)[2]
depth = K.shape(images)[3]
number_of_channels = K.shape(images)[4]
x = K.cast(K.flatten(sampled_grids[:, 0:1, :]), dtype='float32')
y = K.cast(K.flatten(sampled_grids[:, 1:2, :]), dtype='float32')
z = K.cast(K.flatten(sampled_grids[:, 2:3, :]), dtype='float32')
x = 0.5 * (x + 1.0) * K.cast(width, dtype='float32')
y = 0.5 * (y + 1.0) * K.cast(height, dtype='float32')
z = 0.5 * (z + 1.0) * K.cast(depth, dtype='float32')
x0 = K.cast(x, dtype='int32')
x1 = x0 + 1
y0 = K.cast(y, dtype='int32')
y1 = y0 + 1
z0 = K.cast(z, dtype='int32')
z1 = z0 + 1
xMax = int(K.int_shape(images)[2] - 1)
yMax = int(K.int_shape(images)[1] - 1)
zMax = int(K.int_shape(images)[3] - 1)
x0 = K.clip(x0, 0, xMax)
x1 = K.clip(x1, 0, xMax)
y0 = K.clip(y0, 0, yMax)
y1 = K.clip(y1, 0, yMax)
z0 = K.clip(z0, 0, zMax)
z1 = K.clip(z1, 0, zMax)
batch_pixels = K.arange(0, batch_size) * (height * width * depth)
batch_pixels = K.expand_dims(batch_pixels, axis=-1)
base = K.repeat_elements(batch_pixels,
rep=int(resampled_size[0] * resampled_size[1] * resampled_size[2]), axis=1)
base = K.flatten(base)
indices000 = base + z0 * (width * height) + y0 * width + x0
indices001 = base + z1 * (width * height) + y0 * width + x0
indices010 = base + z0 * (width * height) + y1 * width + x0
indices011 = base + z1 * (width * height) + y1 * width + x0
indices100 = base + z0 * (width * height) + y0 * width + x1
indices101 = base + z1 * (width * height) + y0 * width + x1
indices110 = base + z0 * (width * height) + y1 * width + x1
indices111 = base + z1 * (width * height) + y1 * width + x1
flatImages = K.reshape(images, shape=(-1, number_of_channels))
flatImages = K.cast(flatImages, dtype='float32')
pixelValues000 = K.gather(flatImages, indices000)
pixelValues001 = K.gather(flatImages, indices001)
pixelValues010 = K.gather(flatImages, indices010)
pixelValues011 = K.gather(flatImages, indices011)
pixelValues100 = K.gather(flatImages, indices100)
pixelValues101 = K.gather(flatImages, indices101)
pixelValues110 = K.gather(flatImages, indices110)
pixelValues111 = K.gather(flatImages, indices111)
x0 = K.cast(x0, dtype='float32')
x1 = K.cast(x1, dtype='float32')
y0 = K.cast(y0, dtype='float32')
y1 = K.cast(y1, dtype='float32')
z0 = K.cast(z0, dtype='float32')
z1 = K.cast(z1, dtype='float32')
weight000 = K.expand_dims(((x1 - x) * (y1 - y) * (z1 - z)), axis = 1)
weight001 = K.expand_dims(((x1 - x) * (y1 - y) * (z - z0)), axis = 1)
weight010 = K.expand_dims(((x1 - x) * (y - y0) * (z1 - z)), axis = 1)
weight011 = K.expand_dims(((x1 - x) * (y - y0) * (z - z0)), axis = 1)
weight100 = K.expand_dims(((x - x0) * (y1 - y) * (z1 - z)), axis = 1)
weight101 = K.expand_dims(((x - x0) * (y1 - y) * (z - z0)), axis = 1)
weight110 = K.expand_dims(((x - x0) * (y - y0) * (z1 - z)), axis = 1)
weight111 = K.expand_dims(((x - x0) * (y - y0) * (z - z0)), axis = 1)
interpolatedValues000 = weight000 * pixelValues000
interpolatedValues001 = weight001 * pixelValues001
interpolatedValues010 = weight010 * pixelValues010
interpolatedValues011 = weight011 * pixelValues011
interpolatedValues100 = weight100 * pixelValues100
interpolatedValues101 = weight101 * pixelValues101
interpolatedValues110 = weight110 * pixelValues110
interpolatedValues111 = weight111 * pixelValues111
interpolatedValues = (
interpolatedValues000 +
interpolatedValues001 +
interpolatedValues010 +
interpolatedValues011 +
interpolatedValues100 +
interpolatedValues101 +
interpolatedValues110 +