Source code for antspynet.utilities.preprocess_image

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import ants

[docs]def preprocess_brain_image(image, truncate_intensity=(0.01, 0.99), brain_extraction_modality=None, template_transform_type=None, template="biobank", do_bias_correction=True, return_bias_field=False, do_denoising=True, intensity_matching_type=None, reference_image=None, intensity_normalization_type=None, antsxnet_cache_directory=None, verbose=True): """ Basic preprocessing pipeline for T1-weighted brain MRI Standard preprocessing steps that have been previously described in various papers including the cortical thickness pipeline: Arguments --------- image : ANTsImage input image truncate_intensity : 2-length tuple Defines the quantile threshold for truncating the image intensity brain_extraction_modality : string or None Perform brain extraction using antspynet tools. One of "t1", "t1v0", "t1nobrainer", "t1combined", "flair", "t2", "bold", "fa", "t1infant", "t2infant", or None. template_transform_type : string See details in help for ants.registration. Typically "Rigid" or "Affine". template : ANTs image (not skull-stripped) Alternatively, one can specify the default "biobank" or "croppedMni152" to download and use premade templates. do_bias_correction : boolean Perform N4 bias field correction. return_bias_field : boolean If True, return bias field as an additional output *without* bias correcting the preprocessed image. do_denoising : boolean Perform non-local means denoising. intensity_matching_type : string Either "regression" or "histogram". Only is performed if reference_image is not None. reference_image : ANTs image Reference image for intensity matching. intensity_normalization_type : string Either rescale the intensities to [0,1] (i.e., "01") or zero-mean, unit variance (i.e., "0mean"). If None normalization is not performed. antsxnet_cache_directory : string Destination directory for storing the downloaded template and model weights. Since these can be resused, if is None, these data will be downloaded to a ~/.keras/ANTsXNet/. verbose : boolean Print progress to the screen. Returns ------- Dictionary with preprocessing information ANTs image (i.e., source_image) matched to the (reference_image). Example ------- >>> import ants >>> image = ants.image_read(ants.get_ants_data('r16')) >>> preprocessed_image = preprocess_brain_image(image, do_brain_extraction=False) """ from ..utilities import brain_extraction from ..utilities import regression_match_image from ..utilities import get_antsxnet_data preprocessed_image = ants.image_clone(image) if antsxnet_cache_directory == None: antsxnet_cache_directory = "ANTsXNet" # Truncate intensity if truncate_intensity is not None: quantiles = (image.quantile(truncate_intensity[0]), image.quantile(truncate_intensity[1])) if verbose == True: print("Preprocessing: truncate intensities ( low =", quantiles[0], ", high =", quantiles[1], ").") preprocessed_image[image < quantiles[0]] = quantiles[0] preprocessed_image[image > quantiles[1]] = quantiles[1] # Brain extraction mask = None if brain_extraction_modality is not None: if verbose == True: print("Preprocessing: brain extraction.") probability_mask = brain_extraction(preprocessed_image, modality=brain_extraction_modality, antsxnet_cache_directory=antsxnet_cache_directory, verbose=verbose) mask = ants.threshold_image(probability_mask, 0.5, 1, 1, 0) mask = ants.morphology(mask,"close",6).iMath_fill_holes() # Template normalization transforms = None if template_transform_type is not None: template_image = None if isinstance(template, str): template_file_name_path = get_antsxnet_data(template, antsxnet_cache_directory=antsxnet_cache_directory) template_image = ants.image_read(template_file_name_path) else: template_image = template if mask is None: registration = ants.registration(fixed=template_image, moving=preprocessed_image, type_of_transform=template_transform_type, verbose=verbose) preprocessed_image = registration['warpedmovout'] transforms = dict(fwdtransforms=registration['fwdtransforms'], invtransforms=registration['invtransforms']) else: template_probability_mask = brain_extraction(template_image, modality=brain_extraction_modality, antsxnet_cache_directory=antsxnet_cache_directory, verbose=verbose) template_mask = ants.threshold_image(template_probability_mask, 0.5, 1, 1, 0) template_brain_image = template_mask * template_image preprocessed_brain_image = preprocessed_image * mask registration = ants.registration(fixed=template_brain_image, moving=preprocessed_brain_image, type_of_transform=template_transform_type, verbose=verbose) transforms = dict(fwdtransforms=registration['fwdtransforms'], invtransforms=registration['invtransforms']) preprocessed_image = ants.apply_transforms(fixed = template_image, moving = preprocessed_image, transformlist=registration['fwdtransforms'], interpolator="linear", verbose=verbose) mask = ants.apply_transforms(fixed = template_image, moving = mask, transformlist=registration['fwdtransforms'], interpolator="genericLabel", verbose=verbose) # Do bias correction bias_field = None if do_bias_correction == True: if verbose == True: print("Preprocessing: brain correction.") n4_output = None if mask is None: n4_output = ants.n4_bias_field_correction(preprocessed_image, shrink_factor=4, return_bias_field=return_bias_field, verbose=verbose) else: n4_output = ants.n4_bias_field_correction(preprocessed_image, mask, shrink_factor=4, return_bias_field=return_bias_field, verbose=verbose) if return_bias_field == True: bias_field = n4_output else: preprocessed_image = n4_output # Denoising if do_denoising == True: if verbose == True: print("Preprocessing: denoising.") if mask is None: preprocessed_image = ants.denoise_image(preprocessed_image, shrink_factor=1) else: preprocessed_image = ants.denoise_image(preprocessed_image, mask, shrink_factor=1) # Image matching if reference_image is not None and intensity_matching_type is not None: if verbose == True: print("Preprocessing: intensity matching.") if intensity_matching_type == "regression": preprocessed_image = regression_match_image(preprocessed_image, reference_image) elif intensity_matching_type == "histogram": preprocessed_image = ants.histogram_match_image(preprocessed_image, reference_image) else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized intensity_matching_type.") # Intensity normalization if intensity_normalization_type is not None: if verbose == True: print("Preprocessing: intensity normalization.") if intensity_normalization_type == "01": preprocessed_image = (preprocessed_image - preprocessed_image.min())/(preprocessed_image.max() - preprocessed_image.min()) elif intensity_normalization_type == "0mean": preprocessed_image = (preprocessed_image - preprocessed_image.mean())/preprocessed_image.std() else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized intensity_normalization_type.") return_dict = {'preprocessed_image' : preprocessed_image} if mask is not None: return_dict['brain_mask'] = mask if bias_field is not None: return_dict['bias_field'] = bias_field if transforms is not None: return_dict['template_transforms'] = transforms return(return_dict)